At the date this opinion piece was posted, the world economy has been underpinned by a large amount of personal debt. This mostly impacted low income groups, and one of the reasons why many leaderships currently in power will loss support in the coming election cycles.
Two potential steps can be taken to attempt to avoid another financial crash similar to the one that occurred in 2008/9.
One: a percentage of social security/retirement/provident fund can be paid out to the general public to those whom are willing to take it. This will help to revive the economy and reduce personal debt levels.
Two: a nationwide salary/wage increase. The main factor behind the increasing personal debt levels is the cost of food. Food is a basic necessity, everyone has to buy food, and when food costs increase, the money on hand to pay for everything else decreases. Less money for accommodation, small appliances, appliances, transportation, entertainment and everything else.