What have we learned during the pandemic
Human eye health, Leaning speech, Distance learning, Working hours, Drugs and Alcohol misuse, Obesity, Scientists, Government and business, Lack of pandemic definition, Laws to protect the public from the government and business, Social media vs Mainstream News, RNA Vaccines, How we should act during an actual pandemic.
Social media vs Mainstream News
It is never, even now, it is not recommended to follow health advise on social media, however even thou that is true, it turns out that advise given on social media was more reliable then mainstream news. This just pointed out the fact that mainstream news is just a political tool, owned by money players and business interests. During the pandemic we learned that we can not trust anything main stream media says.
Human eye health
During the pandemic we learned that the human eye, needs bright light and objects at different distances to stay healthy. During the lockdown, several people suffered weakening eye sight, because they did not go out doors enough to keep their eyes healthy. As we become a Intersolar specie, this information is essential as we design homesteads outside of earth and space stations.
Leaning speech
During the pandemic many children develop speech problems. It turns out young children needs to see people mouths in order to learn words.
Distance learning
During the pandemic it became clear that in the case of most people distance learning is effective, in person learning is a requirement to educate the masses. Schools, collages and universities can not be replaced by the internet. That means 15minite cities will not improve societies, but weaken it.
Working hours
During the pandemic domestic violence increase due to 2 factors, drug and alcohol misuse and long working hours. It might be a good idea to reduce working hours to 6hours and 30minutes, ban over time and have a family day once a week, where all not emergency, security and health workers are all off at the same time. This will allow family bonding.
Drugs and Alcohol misuse
During the pandemic domestic violence increase due to 2 factors, drug and alcohol misuse and long working hours. A federal legal drug purchase data base, that updates in real time to identify persons that is over using drugs, maybe able to address a small part of this problem. Alcohol sales should be limited to between 12h00 and 18h00 to reduce consumption. Increasing the cost of alcohol only leads to personal financial problems, it will be more effect to reduce legal trading hours.
During the pandemic a number of young people died because they where obese. Obesity is a big modern day problem. Reducing working hours will allow families to cook food rather then to buy unhealthy fast food. Education must include health topics, so that children will be informed. The food health and drug administration, has to insure that the population has healthy food and medication. Anti corruption laws must be set up and followed. Regular audits must to done insure that the food health and drug administration serves the people not big business, politicians or money interests.
A study has shown that 80% of scientific findings are bought. This means that 80% of the scientific data out there are fake. During the pandemic almost everything that they claimed was recommended by scientist turned out to be incorrect or did not work. Lockdowns did not reduce the spread it only destroyed the economy. 94% of the population did not need the mandated vaccine, and people lost their livelihood because of the mandate. Masks made no difference and social distancing was completely ineffective. The only thing that happened during the pandemic was that the world population lost complete faith in science.
Government and business
During the pandemic it became crystal clear that government serves business not the people. This is feudalism and to many in the west unacceptable.
Lack of pandemic definition
Only a section of the population was at risk, yet everyone was lockdown and forced to take a ineffective and in same cases a dangerous treatment.
Laws to protect the public from the government and business
During the pandemic it become abundantly clear that the laws the public has to protect them from government and business is not even close to being enough, we suggest the follow additions.
(1) No government or private entity may force any person or persons or employee to take a mark or implant on their physical body.
(2) A chipped password protected card maybe used by all citizens and government employees and foreign visitors.
(3) No government or private entity may restrict the use of chipped password protected cards.
(4) No government or private entity may request any person to have a marking or implant or any physical addition or change for the purpose of identification, buying and/or selling.
(5) No credit provider, legal aid, judge, tax collection authority, law informant, government employee, employment provider or any private person may share the financial record of any citizen. with the public and/or media.
(6) A court order based on reasonable suspicion has to be obtained from a Judge before any investigation into a individuals and/or business financial records may be launched.
(7) No business or private finances maybe taken or frozen by any government and/or business entity unless quilt has been proven in a legal proceeding.
(8) No finances maybe frozen or taken for voicing a opinion on any subject.
(9) No funds maybe frozen or taken given for protests against the government or employment providers.
(10) No funds maybe frozen or taken for not complying to a government health mandate.
(11) No government entity or business or employee may spy on a personal or business account. Only law enforcement may investigate private and/or business financial records after a court order has been obtained. Law enforcement may not share the information with the public and/or media. Credit providers may view financial records with written permission from the account holder. The Credit provider may not share the information with the public and/or media.
(12) Government and/or employers may not tell any private person how they should spend their hard earned money.
(13) A religious leader must as a call of duty; advise his/her followers on which political candidates they should vote for based on their religious text and the moral standards of that religion.
(14) A religious leader has the right and duty to protest and ask his/her following to rise their concerns on teachings in the education system which conflict with their religious morals.
(15) A religious leader has the right to have a fund riser to challenge laws and actions which conflicts with their religious morals in a court of law.
(16) A religious leader has the right to take any organization and/or government entity to court to protect his/her followings religious rights, teachings and morals.
(17) A religious leader and his following has the right to refuse any marking, implant or change to the human body which is in conflict to their religious morals and/or religious text.
mRNA Vaccines
Lest just point out the obvious mRNA Vaccines is not even close to be ready for public use, its dangerous and unethically.
How we should act during an actual pandemic
The first thing that needs to be established is which section of the population will be affected. Let those who will be affected, and whom are willing; be moved to a prepared location, till a safe, effective treatment is formulated. All the goods and services to this location is delivered, by staff in hazmat suits. Everything we did during the pandemic was ineffective, this is the only logical solution, but only the willing should take part, every person is responsible for themselves. The government has no rights over a individual body.
Human eye health, Leaning speech, Distance learning, Working hours, Drugs and Alcohol misuse, Obesity, Scientists, Government and business, Lack of pandemic definition, Laws to protect the public from the government and business, Social media vs Mainstream News, RNA Vaccines, How we should act during an actual pandemic.