Please note these are claims made on Social media, and most Americans believe Trump and Biden will do if either of them should win the 2024 election.
If you are from Generation X you have lived long enough to know what a candidate claims and what supporters claim their leaders will do once elected and what they actually do once elected is not the same thing.
Next to each claim we will add the Phrase cost meaning money will be taken from your pocket or gain meaning money will be entering government neutral limited effect on budget. In order to stay as neutral as possible we will not add any more opinions.
News sites / Angelic Scorns selected News
Social Media: Trump Agenda
Proposition of enacting restrictions on Chinese ownership of infrastructure in the United States. Neutral.
Leave the Paris Agreement Neutral.
Approvals to every oil infrastructure project presented to administration, Gain.
Proposition of universal baseline tariffs on most foreign products. Gain.
Lowering taxes for American workers, families, and businesses. Short term cost. Long term Gain.
Gradually stopping all Chinese imports of essential goods. Short term cost. Long term Gain.
Trump Reciprocal Trade Act. Gain.
Bring Americans the lowest-cost energy and electricity on Earth, by developing American oil and natural gas, nuclear power, clean coal, hydroelectricity. Cost in some sectors. Gain over all.
Cutting federal funding for any school or program teaching Critical Race Theory and gender ideology, Neutral
Departments of Justice and Education to open Civil Rights investigations into any school district that has engaged in race-based discrimination. ( DEI ) Cost.
Protect free speech. Neutral
Improve academic excellence for all students. Cost
Restoring Parental Rights, to control the education of their children. Neutral.
Hire and support Great Principals and Great Teachers, Cost.
Knowledge and Skills, Not CRT and Gender Indoctrination. Cost.
Reinstating the 1776 Commission. Cost.
Freedom to Pray at school. In line with Freedom of Religion. Cost may occur prosecuting offenders of freedom of religion.
Safe, Secure, and Drug-Free at school. Cost.
Universal School Choice. Neutral/Cost depends on how its implemented.
Project-Based Learning. Cost.
Internships and Work Experiences, for all students. Cost.
Jobs and Career Counseling, provided by all schools. Cost.
Supporting homeschooling, by allowing homeschool parents to use 529 education savings accounts to spend up to $10,000 a year per child, tax-free. Cost.
Endowing the American Academy. Cost.
Declassifying and publishing all documents on Deep State spying, censorship, and corruption. Cost.
Implementing a regulatory budget, aiming at reducing the federal government every year. Gain over time.
Proposition of stopping unnecessary government expending. Gain.
Negotiating an end to the Russian / Ukraine war. Neutral.
Keep Medicare and Social Security intact, Neutral.
Address the rise in chronic illnesses and health problems. Cost.
Reducing drug costs, Gain.
Returning the manufacture of essential drugs to the United States Gain.
Total ban on using taxpayer dollars to free illegal aliens. Gain.
Ending welfare for illegal immigrants. Gain.
Holding a contest to charter up to 10 new cities. Short term loss. Long term Gain.
Terminating all manners of gender affirming care. Neutral
Cease all programs that promote the concept of sex and gender transition. Cost.
End media or social media censorship. Cost.
Directing the DOJ to open civil rights investigations into prosecutor’s offices. Cost.
Take down the drug cartels. Cost.
Build a state-of-the-art, next generation missile defense shield. Cost.
Stop Chinese spying. Cost.
Social Media: Biden Agenda
Restore Roe vs wade Cost
Sign John Lewis voting Act law. Neutral.
Increase chip manufacturing. Short term cost Long term gain.
Expand social security and Medicare. Cost.
End all medical debt. Cost.
Raise minimal wage. Export Cost, local Gain.
Pass Pro act for workers. Neutral.
Ban assault weapons. Cost.
Lead the world in clean energy. Cost.
Permanent childcare tax credit. Cost.
$35 cap on Insulin. Neutral if producers carry the cost.
Built more housing. Short term cost. Long term gain.
Invest in child care and elderly care. Cost.
Defeat Russia. Cost.
As you can see the Biden Agenda on social media has more cost then funding this how social media claims Biden will fund it. Biden’s Newest Tax Plan
Those are the Trump Agenda and Biden Agenda according to social media on 13-07-2024. These agendas can change and as Generation X knows, in most historical cases it is only election propaganda to get more votes, and in many historical cases, it is never implemented.
Social Media Polls and opinions