What would you do if you the president of the United States of America? This is our first what-if category post. This is entirely fictional, as I can never become the president of the United States of America and I am not a member of any of the US major or minor parties, Over the next 12 days on a bi-daily basis I would lay out my fictional plans on what my plans would be if I were the president of the US.
My plans would include: addressing US security, (the US has several problems that mostly are ignored but are real US weaknesses), Immigration, (how I will go about dealing with those who come over the border, how I will secure the border and my immigration policy), wealth creation, housing, and how I will go about reducing government debt to zero, within as little as 4years. I will also describe my foreign policy toward China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Taiwan, my new inner circle, and NATO. My plan will also include steps toward colonizing space, environmental issues, public health, and safety and guaranteeing the freedom of each individual.
The US security section will include Manufacturing and trade, Defense systems, EMP safeguards, border controls, energy generation and what Elon Musk refers to as the mind virus.
But first we will start with my election goals and my administration.
For any US president to be effective they need like-minded people in Congress and the Senate, to pass laws. Executive action is limited and can be easily removed once you leave office. To have a lasting effect you need to pass laws. So in order to shape a free wealthy powerful USA I will have to focus on not only getting myself elected, but also get like-minded people elected.
Once in office, my first step must be to remove all the executive staff and replace them with people who have the same values as me. Example: The founder of Woke Kidengaden on a rare occasion of truth said America should not exist and on a real moment of truth a critical race theorist said, you can not believe in critical race theory unless you also believe that America must be deconstructed. You can not build a nation with people who follow these ideologies. How can you build a country if your staff believes it should not exist? Besides the fact that both these ideologies are racist and sexist and focus on lust, the leaders want to destroy America, they will have no place in my administration. All the staff must be replaced with people who have the same vision as me, if they do not have the same vision nothing will get done and the USA will remain a dump moving closer to collapse and the world will march to slavery and World War three.
Now this is a what-if article and completely fictional, so I achieved what I set out to do I won the presidency, the House, and the Senate. My first act was to replace all the federal staff with bad ideology with those who believe in a free safe society.
Now before this fictional story continues lets recap everything I believe should be dealt with:
- Establish the rights of Americans (The US Constitution does give rights but those rights have been declining, it needs to be restored and it needs to be defined so that no judge can interpret it in any other way.)
- Devine hate speech
- Devine when human life starts.
- Devine the difference between gender, sex, and desire in a self-identifying context.
- Fix the lingering effects from the 2008 financial crush.
- Remove Government debt and Individual debt. – New Debt control structure.
- Work towards a mentally stable society. – employment – schooling
- Respect religious freedom in all government-funded entities.
- New government-funded education curriculum.
- Divine the rights of parents and guardians.
- Secure the border
- Immigration policy
- Dealing with NATO, UN and WHO
- Dealing with woke advertisement companies.
- Upgrading US defense for modern warfare.
- Goals concerning Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.
- Energy policy
- Space policy
- AI policy – Employment security
- Immigration policy and goals
- Build the biggest economy in modern history.
- Housing.
- Manufacturing policy
- Trade policy
- Establish a new supply chain for modern technological needs.
- Health policy.
- International Policy
- Restore marriage.
- Define what a pandemic is and US pandemic policy.
- Personal health refusal rights.
Those are the goals my fictional administration will address fix and establish.
My first step was to replace all in the federal government: who do not believe in America as a nation, follow critical race theory, believe in DEI, are racist, and do not believe in the American Constitution.
My second step is to increase the national debt, do not be concerned, in the end, the debt will be repaid in full, and all those who own American debt will get all the money it was worth on the day of payment.
- For housing, I will print: $10 trillion dollars
- For education i will print: $652.3 billion
- For Defense I will print: $1 trillion dollars
- For wealth backup servers located underground, I will print: $66 billion dollars
- For energy, I will print: $200 billion dollars
- For the new Capital, I will print: $70 billion dollars
- For the space program, I will print: $200 billion dollars
- For new hydroelectric dams I will print: $70 billion dollars
- For river hydroelectric tunnels I will print: $70 billion dollars
- For the border I will print: $200 billion dollars.
- For roads, rail, water, electricity, and optic cables to the New Capital, I will print 80 billion dollars.
Total new debt added: $12 608.3 Billion dollars. The money collected from, the taxes will add to the shortfall and pay for other programs. And all will be paid once the 4 years ends.
My 3de step: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Define the terms of laws that provide freedom, above is the 1st amendment of the US Constitution, can you spot the problem?
It leaves too much room for Judges to interpret the law as they like, changing its actual intent. All constitutional laws must have an intent section removing the power of Judges to change the intent of laws.
After adding an Intent sections to every law in the constitution a Glossary must be added. This is to give meaning to the words used so that Judges can not change the meaning of the words to push their own believes.