A full explanation and definition guide to liberalism
Liberalism Topics
What is liberalism
Liberalism vs Conservatism vs Fascism vs Socialism vs Globalism vs feudalism vs Federalism
The United States of America and liberalism
Positive effects of liberalism
Shortfalls of liberalism
Bible vs liberalism
Liberal based Education System
Projected effects of a liberal based education system
What is liberalism
Liberalism is the basic believe in: human rights, individual freedoms and the preservation of live.
Liberalism vs Conservatism vs Fascism vs Socialism vs Globalism vs feudalism vs Federalism
Liberalism: The basic believe in: human rights, individual freedoms and the preservation of live.
Conservatism: There are thousands of different types of conservatives. Conservatism is the believe in the values of a specific tradition, document or religious text.
Fascism: 1. Basic fascism – dividing people by one or more of the following, Race, color, ethnic background, religion, gender or believe in gender ideology, with in the borders of a nation, federation or republic. 2. Economic fascism – Passing laws to benefit a establish business at the cost of other businesses and start ups.
Socialism: Central controlled government, which owns everything, while the citizens owns nothing but are told they share everything. Socialism can also come in limited programs like “free healthcare or free education” where public funds normally collected by tax is used to pay for the service, while the public is told by the government that it is free.
Globalism: Central controlled world government, who dictate laws and trade on a global scale.
Feudalism: The landlords or Elites owns everything and peasants or citizens own nothing.
Federalism: A basic constitution or a body of fundamental principles govern several states who have their own rights and laws with in the scope of the constitution or a body of fundamental principles.
Capitalism: Privately own property and business with the following restrictions 1) Must pay a living wage 2) No monopolies allowed 3) No over pricing of food, clothing, housing, basic education and medical care allowed. The goal of capitalism is that each individual earn enough to live a good live.
Free Market Capitalism: Cost of everything is set by the market, the best ideas wins.
Progressive: A mix of fascism, socialism and paganism. A believe in a central government that forces equal out comes no matter, physical abilities, mental abilities, biological facts, mental state or religious believe.
Currently most world governments are a mix of 2 or more of these principles.
The United States of America and liberalism
The USA adopted its constitution in March 4, 1789, guaranteeing Americans some liberties. After world war 2 the USA became a world super power and spread these ideas to other countries. As a example the American democrat’s help South Africa to draw up their constitution, after a period of fascism ended, but even thou South Africa has a liberal constitution it still has over a thousand fascist laws and its 3de largest political party the EFF is a fascist movement.
(just for interest sake: For those of a Christian background the word world in the bible as defined by text in the bible refers to 70nations or the worlds strongest nation, which means from 1945 up to 2020 the USA in a Christian biblical view was the world. )
What is fascism? There are a few forms of fascism. 1. Basic fascism – dividing people by one or more of the following, Race, color, ethnic background, religion, gender or believe in gender ideology, with in the borders of a nation, federation or republic. 2. Economic fascism – Passing laws to benefit a establish business at the cost of other businesses and start ups.
What happened in South Africa is not surprising the American Democrats who helped South Africa with their constitution, themselves has historically ignored their own liberal constitution and reverted to fascism.
Between April 12, 1861 – May 26, 1865 the South lead by the Democrats fought for the right to own slaves a fascist concept. Jim Crow a Democrat started the era of racial segregation in the USA which is also a fascist concept, and currently the USA is going through another period of fascism, where people are divided by skin, gender and sexual ideologies when applying for work, education, entertainment, in same cases even financial loans and it is taught to young children at school, all of it; violations of their constitution and once again its the democrats pushing the fascist ideas.
Yes the USA was born to be a liberal nation, and the USA has establish liberal ideas though out the west, but the USA has always had fascist ideas, and unfortunately they also spread those across the west. Which is ironic the USA fought against itself to stop fascism and fought Nazi Germany to stop fascism which lead to them becoming a world super power, yet they themselves still reverts back to fascism periodically.
Positive effects of liberalism
A free society innovates faster then oppressed societies. Freedom of speech exposes bad actors in government and business. Freedom of religion establish moral values and peaceful society, since the roman empire adopted Christianity, Christian nations, was always among the strongest and richest nations on earth, reason being, Christianity establish a peaceful and stable society. A society at war with it self will never grow at the same rate as other nations.
Then what about China its not a liberal nation nor Christian? China is not a self sustaining nation, it depends on the world buying its produces. The Chinese society is interlinked with the European and USA economies, the whole appearance of wealth and strength is false, just like most of the European economy, its a house of cards that can easily be destroyed by just a swift in partnerships. If more nations start to produce their own products to create jobs and tax Chinese products to protect their own products, the Chinese economy will crumble. Liberal and Christian societies can survive sanctions, oppressive societies will struggle.
Shortfalls of liberalism
Liberalism can go to far by focusing on just one specific human right and as a result ignoring the rights of others, thus resulting in fascism. A few examples: Trans rights has resulted in job reservation ignoring actual talent and censorship of Christians, Muslims and Hindus by big tech, advertising alliances and business; biological men taking over biological woman sport, prevent woman from getting scholarships and achievement in sport. Abortion ignoring the rights of a fetus with a heart beat human DNA and a very high probability of survival, on the flip side prolife ignoring the rights of a woman to defend herself against a potential a fatal pregnancy and emotional phycological harm caused by rape. Education ignoring freedom of religion and parental rights, in a attempt to brainwash impressionable children into pushing political agendas.
None of the above are liberalism it started out as fighting for the rights of a specific group, but ended up as fascism, as soon as they started to ignore the rights of other people. Ironically in the USA people are now confusing liberalism with fascism, because the leaders use to be liberal and for now the public has not caught on to the shift.
Bible vs liberalism
The bible has conservative, liberalist, capitalist, socialist, fascist and autocratic elements.
Bible conservative: the bible require you to follow the laws it contains to the best of your ability and to teach those to your children.
Bible Liberalism: to follow God is a chose, Christians are not allowed to force people to accept God. The bible supports free speech and freedom of religion, but accountability will be taken after death, and periods of Judgement. Each human is responsible for their own salvation. These freedoms however is limited according to age, under 13 boys and under 12 girls may not be prevented to learn about Jesus, in fact Jesus said it will be better for those who prevents children to come to Him, to drown themselves then to prevent children from coming to Him. Makes one wonder why people in the USA has so many tsunami dreams.
Bible capitalism: those who can work but does not work should not eat, you may not over charge for goods, you may not over tax, you may not with hold pay or under pay. Classic Capitalism, the bible does not support free market capitalism at all.
Bible Fascism:: In Christianity there is no race no nationality, only Christian no matter the color of skin or nationality. Although there is slavery in the bible God never approved of slavery, and instructed those who had slaves to treat their slaves fair and justly. God also help freeing the Hebrew slaves and the bible says God send Christ to free the slaves. God also used slavery as punishment for the descendance of Ham. God lets it rain (bless) sinners and saints, all benefit from God believers and none believers
It may look like there is no fascism in the bible, but there is God treats those who follow Him and the Jews differently, God favors His own. God also does not approve of men having sex with men, men who acts like woman and woman who acts like men, but as said before the choice is up to each individual, only at the end and periods of judgement your personal choice will be felt. God offers you the freedom to choice.
Bible socialism: The bible instructs believers to support the old, those who can not work, the sick and those whom has less then yourself. The bible also instructs men to protect and help woman, that was the reason, why in the old testament, you where instructed to take your brothers wife, if he should die, and why Jesus gave Mary His mom to John when He was on the cross. Joseph gave Mary to Jesus to protect and care for, then Jesus at the end of His first life gave Mary to John, to protect and care for.
Bible in autocracy: leadership in the bible is not elected its given. The meek will rule the world and to be king one must be a servant first. That is why Jesus washed the disciples feet, biblically you can not be appointed over many if you did not serve others first.
Liberal based Education System
a Liberal based Education System has to take the rights of individuals’ into account. Rights like the freedom of religion and the freedom of speech. No student in a liberal education system maybe oppressed, prevent to speak their mind or prevent to serve their God. The educators has no right to tell a student that they may not express themselves or prevent them from reading their holy text or from praying to their God. They may however ask the student to respect others and their religion by practicing their faith softly. No educator may tell their student that their believes are false or encourage them to abandon their faith as this is in violation of their rights.
The main goal of education is to prepare a student to live with in society as a individual, and to reach their maximal potential as a individual according to their own God given talents. Its unacceptable in a Liberal system to fill the minds of children with political goal and/or agendas.
The system below is designed to firstly develop the physical mind to its God given capacity and then to prepare the student for society with out intruding on their religious rights and freedoms. The system is also designed for people with different types of intellect which means if the student do their part, they can not fail. The system is also designed that those with out money and chores at home will do just as well as those who has money and servants at home.
Phase 1 Basics and mental development
Grade 1 (minimal age 4years and 6months)
Learning the alphabet – tracing letters ( sentences where the letters are dots the little one connects the dots) – Counting from 1 to 20 – plus and minus for single digit numbers 1-9 – watch cartoons with the words spoken written below so that the subconscious mind can store them – watch cartoons in a second language with the words spoken written below so that the subconscious mind can store them – arts and crafts.
Grade 2 (minimal age 5years and 6months)
Watch AI read text as the AI reads the text is highlighted – Each child gets a opportunity to read in private with the educator the student reads from the AI text they watched earlier – learn to spell 20 words each month – learn single digit multiplication and division – learn plus and minus for double digits up to 99 – watch cartoons in a second language with the words spoken written below so that the subconscious mind can store them – arts and crafts.
Grade 3 (Minimal age 6years and 6months)
Learn to play a instrument (strengthens creative part of the mind) – learn how to do long division, long multiplication, long plus, long minus, decimal points and what to the power of a number means how it is written and calculated – spell test on 20 words monthly (Increase memory capacity) – Learn spelling in a second language – 30min study period (teacher supervise and helps when needed) – 1hour sports period (Physical health)
Grade 4 (Minimal age 7years and 6months)
Learn to play a instrument (strengthens creative part of the mind) – learn basic algebra – learn how to replace letters in algebra with numbers (strengthens logic part of mind) – learn how to calculate the surface of a square, triangle and circle – spell test on 20 words monthly (Increase memory capacity) – Learn spelling in a second language – 30min study period (teacher supervise and helps when needed) – 1hour sports period (Physical health)
Grade 5 (Minimal age 8years and 6months)
Learn to play a instrument (strengthens creative part of the mind) – Learn how to write and calculate mathematical problems example A train leave the station at 1H00 it reaches the next station at 19H00, how long did the train travel, if the track is 60miles long How fast did the train travel. (strengthens logic part of mind) – spell test on 20 words monthly (Increase memory capacity) – spell test on 20 words monthly in a second language (Increase memory capacity) – Learn how to calculate the surface and volume of a square, triangle and circle – Written hour (Students write poetry or short stories on a chosen subject) 30min study period (teacher supervise and helps when needed) – 1hour sports period (Physical health)
Phase 2 General Knowledge, Personal interest identification and life preparedness
Infrastructure needed for this stage: a large library capable of housing all the students between grade 6 and 10. The library needs to be stocked with several copies of books that is needed to complete the tasks the students will have to complete over the following years. Instead of handbooks, they will use library books.
Purpose behind themed paper
To introduce students to knowledge they would use later in their personal life or to supply them with basic knowledge they will need to study regarding a subject of their choosing later in life. This is introduction information and no testing is done only the papers are graded. This is to give children of different types of intelligence the opportunity to do well. All work is done at school, there is no home work. This is to accommodate students who come from poor families and have household chores at home since they have no domestic help and both parents have to work to place food on the table.
Purpose behind book reports
The children is self educating on subjects they are interested in rather the that which is expected of them. They can now grow as a individual rather then a group as programmed by the system. All books are read at school. This is to accommodate students who come from poor families and have household chores at home since they have no domestic help and both parents have to work to place food on the table.
Grade 6 (Minimal age 9years and 6months)
Month 1
General knowledge
How to write a Study paper
Sub Headings
Source Author/s
Source Date/s
15min break
General knowledge 2
First practice paper
Write a 1000 word paper on the history or a specific historical event in you home town/city
15min break
Life Skill 1
Second practice paper no 2
Write a 1000 word paper on the importance of home and personal hygiene. Include produce used for home and personal hygiene.
15min break
Life Skill 2
3de practice paper
Write a 1000 words on the following subjects. What is a expense. What is income. What is meant by upkeep. What is savings and its uses. What is entertainment and its function. Draw up a theoretical example of a household budget.
30min break
Business training
4th Practice Paper
Write a paper explaining the following terms:
Double entry method
Compound interest
Business Partners
Spread sheet
Income Statement
bull market
bear market
Liquid Assets
Fix Assets
dividend payment
Annual Bonus
Production Bonus
Sales Bonus
Sales incentive
Duty/check List
Performance report
Tax incentive
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 2
General knowledge
Write a 1000 word paper on the history or a historic event that occurred in your county/greater municipal area.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 1000 word paper on the history or a historic event that occurred in your country.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 1000 word paper on cooking. How to prepare food, equipment used to prepare food. Give a recipe and example of a starter, main course and a desert.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 1000 word paper on the cost of living. Your paper must explain what the term cost of living means include a spreadsheet showing the cost of living in a specific year for a family of 5 (2 adults and 3 children).
30min break
Business training
Write a 200 word paper on opening a tuck-shop at school. What would be needed, the cost of the products, how much you would sell it for, and how much money you would make if your produces are popular and sells.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 3
General knowledge
Write a 400-800 word paper on historic leaders in your country and a short summary of what they implemented.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 400-800 word paper on the history or a historical event in North America
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400-800 word paper on out door farming techniques and the equipment used.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 400-800 word paper on in door farming techniques and the equipment used.
30min break
Business training
Write a 400-800 word paper comparing the cost of in door farming versus the cost of out door farming, the advantages and disadvantages of in door farming versus out door farming.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 4 Break
Month 5
General knowledge
Write a 400-800 word paper on the history or a historical event in South America
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 400-800 word paper on the history or a historical event in Europe
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400-800 word paper on the roll of protein, calcium and collagen in the human body
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 400-1000 word paper on the roll and function/functions of ascorbic acid, zinc, folic acid, vitamin k, vitamin k2, beta carotene, vitamin b3, vitamin b6, vitamin b12, vitamin d, vitamin d3, iron, magnesium, selenium and coper.
30min break
Business training
Write a 400-800 word paper about the financial cost involve when running a clinic versus the financial cost of a private general practitioner practice versus the cost of a hospital.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 6
General knowledge
Write a 400-800 word paper on the history or a historical event in west Asia
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 400-800 word paper on the history or a historical event in east Asia
15min break
Life Skill 1
Construct a diet plan for a period of 7days that contains ascorbic acid, zinc, folic acid, vitamin k, vitamin k2, beta carotene, vitamin b3, vitamin b6, vitamin b12, vitamin d, vitamin d3, iron, magnesium, selenium and coper in the meals.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 400-800 word paper on the duties of the deferent level of employees found in a hospital.
30min break
Business training
Write a 400-800 word paper on the cost of starting and then running one of the following (select one) a gym or a fitness club or a sports club or a massage parla.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 7
General knowledge
Write a 400-800 word paper on the history or a historical event in Oceania
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 400-800 word paper on the history or a historical event in the middle east.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400-800 word paper on the occupational positions in a hotel that can accommodate 100 guests.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 400-800 word paper on the occupational positions in law enforcement and its purpose.
30min break
Business training
Write a 400-800 word paper on the cost involve from shaving a sheep up to selling a wool sweater.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 8 Break
Month 9
General knowledge
Write a 400-800 word paper on the history or a historical event in Africa
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 400-800 word paper on the history or a historical event in Central America and/or the Caribbean.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400-800 word paper on the purpose, tasks and skills of firemen/woman.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 400-800 word paper on the purpose, tasks and skills needed of mayors, governors and presidents.
30min break
Business training
Write a 400-800 word paper on some of the laws you selected, which apply to business and what the purpose of those laws are if any.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 10
General knowledge
Write a 400-800 word paper on the periodic table of elements, the charge of the elements and give a few examples of chemical reactions using the charge of the elements to explain the chemical reactions.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 400-800 word paper on how concrete is made, what concrete is used for and the chemical reactions involved when concrete is made.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400-800 word paper on the different types of workers needed to construct a building, from designing the building to the physical construction of the building and what the skills are required for each position.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a article of 400-800 words describing the work of a architect and a civil engineering.
30min break
Business training
Write a article between 400 and 800 words about the cost involved when constructing a building.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 11
General knowledge
Write a 400 word paper on techniques used to write poems, short stories, movie scripts and dialogue used on a stage production.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 400 word summary what you personally found the most interesting in the general knowledge papers you wrote during grade 6
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400 word summary what you personally found the most interesting in the life skill papers you wrote during grade 6
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 400 word poem or short story or script for a movie or dialogue for a stage production on a subject of your own choosing.
30min break
Business training
Write a 200 word paper on the cost of writing, publishing and selling a book.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 12 Break
Grade 7 (Minimal age 10years and 6months)
Month 1
General knowledge
Write a 800 word article on the mathematical formulas and examples of how the mathematical formulas are solved, that would be used to construct a building. You may use several solved examples to reach your 800 word target.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 800 word article on the mathematical formulas and examples of how the mathematical formulas are solved, that would be used to calculate electric currents and electricity generation. You must show math for amps, watts, volts and resistance. You may use several solved examples to reach your 800 word target.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400-800 word article on all the skills you should have to become a electrical engineer and what the job of a electrical engineer entails.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 400-800 word article on all the skills you should have to become a land surveyor and what the job of a land surveyor entails.
30min break
Business training
Write a 200-800 word article on how a property renting business works and the expenses that you may encounter as a property lender.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 2
General knowledge
Write a 400-800 word article on transport systems and means of transportation.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 400-800 word article on how a means of transportation you have selected is constructed.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400-800 word article on job positions and the skills required for those employment opportunities linked to the building and use of transportation.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 800 word article on the mathematical formulas used when constructing a vehicle of your choosing. You may use several solved examples of the mathematical formulas to reach your 800 word target.
30min break
Business training
Write a 200-800 word article about the cost involved when running a transport business of your own choosing.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 3
General knowledge
Write a article on how you should write a book report. (note students read the book for the book report during class)
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 100-200 word article about predictors.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 100-200 word article about how you would take care of a dog.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read. (note students read the book for the book report during class)
30min break
Business training
Write a article on how you can start a pet store.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 4 Break
Month 5
General knowledge
Write a article about herbivores.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a article about carnivores.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 100-200 word article about how you would take care of a cat.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read. (note students read the book for the book report during class)
30min break
Business training
Write a article about insurance and how it can be used in business and as a business.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 6
General knowledge
Write a 100-200 word article about omnivores.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 100-200 word article about plant life.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 100-200 word article about how you would take care of your plants (pot or earth or both)
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read. (note students read the book for the book report during class)
30min break
Business training
Write a article on the lumber industry.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 7
General knowledge
Write a 100-200 word article about rodents.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 100-200 word article about fish.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 100-200 word article about how to take care of a rodent or a fish.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read. (note students read the book for the book report during class)
30min break
Business training
Write a article about the food industry.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 8 Break
Month 9
General knowledge
Write a 1000 word article about algebra and how it is used. Give solved examples till you reach 1000 words.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 1000 word article about shapes and the math used to calculate length, angles and volume. Give solved examples till you reach 1000 words.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 1000 word article about education as a profession and the basic knowledge needed for different levels with in the education system.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read. (note students read the book for the book report during class)
30min break
Business training
Write a article on everything you would need to start a education facility as a business.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 10
General knowledge
Read a none fictional book.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a book report on a none fictional book you have read.(note students read the book for the book report during class)
15min break
Life Skill 1
Read a fictional book
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read.
30min break
Business training
Write a article on how to run a book store.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 11
General knowledge
Write a book report on a none fictional book you have read.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 400 word summary what you personally found the most interesting in the general knowledge papers you wrote during grade 7
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400 word summary what you personally found the most interesting in the life skill papers you wrote during grade 7
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 400 word poem or short story or script for a movie or dialogue for a stage production on a subject of your own choosing.
30min break
Business training
Write a summary of everything you know about business and finance at this point of your life.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 12 Break
Grade 8 (Minimal age 11years and 6months)
Month 1
General knowledge
Read a none fictional
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a book report on a none fictional book you have read.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Read a fictional book.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read.
30min break
Business training
Write a book report on a business or finance related book you read. (Note the student read the book for the book report during class)
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 2
General knowledge
Read a none fictional book.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a book report on a none fictional book you have read.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Read a fictional book.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read.
30min break
Business training
Write a book report on a business or finance related book you read. (Note the student read the book for the book report during class)
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 3
General knowledge
Read a none fictional book.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a book report on a none fictional book you have read.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Read a fictional book.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read.
30min break
Business training
Write a book report on a business or finance related book you read. (Note the student read the book for the book report during class)
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 4 Break
Month 5
General knowledge
Read a none fictional book.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a book report on a none fictional book you have read.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Read a fictional book.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read.
30min break
Business training
Write a book report on a business or finance related book you read. (Note the student read the book for the book report during class)
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 6
General knowledge
Read a none fictional book.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a book report on a none fictional book you have read.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Read a fictional book.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read.
30min break
Business training
Write a book report on a business or finance related book you read. (Note the student read the book for the book report during class)
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 7
General knowledge
Read a none fiction book.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a book report on a none fictional book you have read.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Read a fictional book.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read.
30min break
Business training
Write a book report on a business or finance related book you read. (Note the student read the book for the book report during class)
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 8 Break
Month 9
General knowledge
Read a none fiction book.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a book report on a none fictional book you have read.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Read a fictional book.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read.
30min break
Business training
Write a book report on a business or finance related book you read. (Note the student read the book for the book report during class)
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 10
General knowledge
Read a none fictional book.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a book report on a none fictional book you read.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Read a fictional book.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read.
30min break
Business training
Write a book report on a business or finance related book you read. (Note the student read the book for the book report during class)
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 11
General knowledge
Write a book report on a none fictional book you have read.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 400 word summary what you personally found the most interesting in the general knowledge papers you wrote during grade 8
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400 word summary what you personally found the most interesting in the life skill papers you wrote during grade 8
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 400 word poem or short story or script for a movie or dialogue for a stage production on a subject of your own choosing.
30min break
Business training
Write a summary of everything you know about business and finance at this point of your life.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 12 Break
Grade 9 (Minimal age 12years and 6months)
Month 1
General knowledge
Read a none fictional book.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a book report on a none fictional book you read.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Read a fictional book
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read.
30min break
Business training
Write a book report on a business or finance related book you read.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 2
General knowledge
Read a none fictional book.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a book report on a none fictional book you read.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Read a fictional book.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read.
30min break
Business training
Write a book report on a business or finance related book you read.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 3
General knowledge
Read a none fictional book.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a book report on a none fictional book you read.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Read a fictional book.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read.
30min break
Business training
Write a book report on a business or finance related book you read.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 4 Break
Month 5
General knowledge
Read a none fictional book.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a book report on a none fictional related book you read.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Read a fictional book.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read.
30min break
Business training
Write a book report on a business or finance related book you read.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 6
General knowledge
Write a article on insects.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a article on scientific method and how it is used.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a article on home pest control.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a book report on a fictional book you have read.
30min break
Business training
Write a book review on a none fiction book on how to start your own business.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 7
General knowledge
Write a article explaining how you can build a short wave radio.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 400- 1000 word article on different types of wireless communication devices and the hardware parts that make them work.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a article on how you can start a conversation with someone you have just met.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a article on how to write a business letter and a personal letter, give a example of each.
30min break
Business training
Write a article on businesses that use communication to make a profit.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 8 Break
Month 9
General knowledge
Write a 400-1000 word article on weather the article must include, how tornadoes form, how hurricanes form, what is a low pressure, what is a high pressure, how does a cold front form, how does a warm front form, the interaction between high and low pressures and the basic cycle behind rain.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 400-1000 word article on the mechanics behind different types of volcanoes and different types of earthquakes, and what can result from volcanic activity and earthquake activity.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400-1000 word article on precautions you can take to protect your family from a food supply chain collapse, and a electrical grid failure.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 400-1000 word article on precautions you can take to protect your family from floods, earthquakes and volcanic activity
30min break
Business training
Write a article about how you can save guard a business against natural disasters.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 10
General knowledge
Write a 1000 word article about Sir Isaac Newton and give examples of math based on his work and how that math can be applied. You may use several solved examples to reach your 1000word target.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 1000 word article about Albert Einstein and give examples of math based on his work and how that math can be applied. You may use several solved examples to reach your 1000word target.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a opinion piece from your own perspective and believes how science can have a positive effect on society.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a opinion piece from your own perspective and believes how science can have a negative effect on society.
30min break
Business training
Write a article on how science can be used to create new business opportunities and present examples.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 11
(Student must be 13years or older from this point as the studies contained from this point contain in a religious sense adult material like the use of the internet and sex related topics.)
Students use the internet instead of books for research.
General knowledge
Write a 400-800 on what the internet is and how it can be used.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 400 word summary what you personally found the most interesting in the general knowledge papers you wrote during grade 9
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400 word summary what you personally found the most interesting in the life skill papers you wrote during grade 9
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 400 word poem or short story or script for a movie or dialogue for a stage production on a subject of your own choosing.
30min break
Business training
Write a article the types of ways you can legally make money on the internet.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 12 Break
Grade 10 (Minimal age 13years and 6months)
Month 1
General knowledge
Write a article about plant cells, how they work, the different parts and function, must include a descriptive image.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a article about animal cells, how they work, the different parts and function, must include a descriptive image.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a article on how you should take care of a child from birth up to the age of 5.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a article on how much of the following: ascorbic acid, zinc, folic acid, vitamin k, vitamin k2, beta carotene, vitamin b3, vitamin b6, vitamin b12, vitamin d, vitamin d3, iron, magnesium, selenium and coper. a child at the age of 5 requires from there diet and the foods from which they can obtain it from. Do the same for the age of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
30min break
Business training
Write a article about a business that provides care to children.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 2
General knowledge
Write a 400-800 word article about conception, the development of child from creation till the child is born. The article must include a image with description of the developing child at 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, 16 weeks, 20 weeks and 24 weeks.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 1000 word article about website construction and the codes that is use when creating a website. Give examples of code and what that code will display on the website, you may give multiple examples to reach your 1000 word target.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400-800 word article about the laws in your country concerning the internet.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 400-800 word article about safety precautions that you can take and programs you can use to protect you on the internet.
30min break
Business training
Write a 400-800 word article about internet business.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 3
General knowledge
Write a 1000 word article about programing, give a example of programing code and what will happen when you use that programing code. You may use several examples to reach your 1000 word target.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 1000 word article about how text to speech software work and the hardware needed, give a example of programing code that is used to convert text to speech. You may use several examples to reach your 1000 word target.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400-800 word article about the skill requirements to become a programmer, and the work opportunities in the job market for programmers.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 400-800 word article about the skill requirements to become a web developer, and the work opportunities in the job market for web developers.
30min break
Business training
Write a article about supply chains, how it impacts business and give examples of supply chains.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 4 Break
Month 5
General knowledge
Write a 400-800 word article on how programing is used to control robots. Give examples of the programing code used and what that code does.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 400-800 word article on how a robot is constructed.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400-800 word article about the skill requirements in the robot industry, and the work opportunities in the job market for people with robotic related skills.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 400-800 word article on how different robots can be maintained and repaired..
30min break
Business training
Write a article on how business can use robots and automated technology.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 6
General knowledge
Write a 1000 word article on how different historic and current economic systems work, list the potential draw backs and potential upsides of each system.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 1000-1200 word article on how the actions of parents and the absents of parents can influence the phycological state of children.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400-800 word article on the methods that can be used to teach a child moral values and the consequence of immoral actions.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 400-800 word article about contraception and family planning.
30min break
Business training
Write a article about product placement in movies and other forms of entertainment.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 7
General knowledge
Write a 400-800 word article concerning the differences between a biological man and a biological female.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 400-800 word article on DNA.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a program code of 400-500 words long for a software program and explain what this code does.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a program code for a website that is between 400-500 words long and explain what this code does.
30min break
Business training
Write a article about the purpose of advertisement and legal advertising methods.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 8 Break
Month 9
General knowledge
Write a 400-1000 word article on the basic construction of a vehicle that can transport humans from earth into space.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 400-1000 word article on the basic math and mathematical equation use for a vehicle that can transport humans from earth into space. Give examples on how the equations are solved.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400-1000 word article on how food can be produced in space, how water can be produced and recycled in space and how air can be produced and recycled in space.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 400-1000 word article on how the human body can remain healthy in space.
30min break
Business training
Write a article about internet advertisement.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 10
General knowledge
Write a 1000 word article about the methods businesses use record financial transactions.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 1000 word article about how stocks are traded and laws concerning stock trading in your country.
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400-800 word paper on what you found to be the most interesting things you learn during school and compare it to your personal likes and dislikes.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 400-800 word paper on what you would like to achieve over the next 10years.
30min break
Business training
Write a article on how to draw up a business plan and how you can use it to start a business.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 11
General knowledge
Write a 400-800 word article about any subject that interest you.
15min break
General knowledge 2
Write a 400 word summary what you personally found the most interesting in the general knowledge papers you wrote during grade 10
15min break
Life Skill 1
Write a 400-800 word paper on how to set goals and give a example of a goal you want to achieve and the steps you will need to take to achieve that goal.
15min break
Life Skill 2
Write a 400 word poem or short story or script for a movie or dialogue for a stage production on a subject of your own choosing.
30min break
Business training
Draw up a business plan for a existing business. Do not use your own idea to prevent someone from using your idea, but make one based on a existing business for prestation sake only.
Sport and Clubs
Monday to Thursday the students practice sport. A healthy body houses a healthy mind. Some may continue as professionals later in life and some may use it to gain entrance to a collage or university of their choosing, but for most this is just for enjoyment and physical well being. On Fridays they join clubs, these clubs helps to build social skills and allow students to make friends with people who share their interest. Interest may change over time so students must be able to join and unjoin clubs as they desire. Humans are social creatures, if they are not allowed to develop socially, you may face the risk of mental health disorders.
Month 12 Break
Phase 3 Homing in on Personal skills and interest
The student may select from the following
Standard Testing Education or Collage
The student can chose to go to collage and study the career they wish to enter or they can attend a year long class on standardized testing, where they are taught the content that is normally found in a standardized test when applying to a university or a Advanced collage.
The standardized test classes is only for students who want to become doctors or similar types of professional careers that require a very high level of education.
The standardized test may differ from country to country, in some countries you need to present the score from a IQ test, some countries the score from a general knowledge test, in same countries like the USA a SAT test or in most South African Universities a Math and Science test score.
The standardized test education Grade 11 and 12
Grade 11 (require the completion of a grade 10)
Month 1
The educator provides a past standardized test/tests and the answers on the 1st day.
During the month heshe teaches the student how to answer and the methods use to answer the questions in the test provided.
On the last day of the month the students write the test provided.
The score of the test is unimportant its a preparation test.
Month 2
The educator provides a past standardized test/tests and the answers on the 1st day.
During the month he/she teaches the student how to answer and the methods use to answer the questions in the test provided.
On the last day of the month the students write the test provided.
The score of the test is unimportant its a preparation test.
Month 3
The educator provides a past standardized test/tests and the answers on the 1st day.
During the month he/she teaches the student how to answer and the methods use to answer the questions in the test provided.
On the last day of the month the students write the test provided.
The score of the test is unimportant its a preparation test.
Month 4
The educator provides a past standardized test/tests and the answers on the 1st day.
During the month he/she teaches the student how to answer and the methods use to answer the questions in the test provided.
On the last day of the month the students write the test provided.
The score of the test is unimportant its a preparation test.
Month 5
The educator provides a past standardized test/tests and the answers on the 1st day.
During the month he/she teaches the student how to answer and the methods use to answer the questions in the test provided.
On the last day of the month the students write the test provided.
The score of the test is unimportant its a preparation test.
Month 6
The educator provides a past standardized test/tests and the answers on the 1st day.
During the month he/she teaches the student how to answer and the methods use to answer the questions in the test provided.
On the last day of the month the students write the test provided.
The score of the test is unimportant its a preparation test.
All students pass grade 11 no matter how well they did.
Grade 12 (require the completion of a grade 11)
Month 1
The students practice the method’s use in standardized test/tests and learn the information needed to know during standardized testing
At the end of the month the students write a test/tests similar to the standardized test/tests. This is a unseen practice test.
Month 2
The students practice the method’s use in standardized test/tests and learn the information needed to know during standardized testing.
At the end of the month the students write a test/tests similar to the standardized test/tests. This is a unseen practice test.
Month 3
The students practice the method’s use in standardized test/tests and learn the information needed to know during standardized testing.
At the end of the month the students write the actual standardized test/tests which they will present to collages and universities. If a student is dissatisfied with their score they may repeat grade 11 and 12 in a attempt to get a higher score. In some countries there might be a limit to how many times with in a specific time frame you may repeat the grades, if its funded by the government. You can not have people redoing grade 11 and 12 forever at tax payer cost.
Projected effects of a liberal based education system
The liberal education system above is created with the goal to respect each individual rights, uplift the poor, create free thinking individuals, improve physical health thus combat obesity and prepare each student for life after school.
The system is projected to reduce the amount of poor families with in the borders of a country, increase new businesses and decrease the cost of living due to greater competition in business, resulting in innovation and technological advancement. The effect should be visible after 12 to 14yrs.
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