Life on MarsLife on Mars

Can we live on Mars?

In this opinion piece, we will discuss, the probable history of Mars, conditions on Mars, how to build human environments on Mars, methods we can use to travel to and from Mars.

Probable History of Mars

When observing the surface of Mars, one can observe ancient river beds, lakes, and even oceans. So Mars use to be Earth’s twin. Did Mars have life? Who knows, but it’s a cold desert planet today. So what happened? Mars has no magnetosphere. The sun generates a wind that blows across the entire solar system. This wind blew away the Martian atmosphere because, there is no magnetosphere protecting Mars from the sun. Over millions of year everything just blew away and Mars became a dessert planet.

Conditions on Mars

Mars is like a red Sahara desert: nothing above ground, powerful dust storms, and frozen lakes of water below ground. Mars has no ozone layer, and its atmosphere does not absorb deadly solar radiation. It also has no magnetosphere, which blocks the solar wind, and its atmosphere is mostly CO2. The polar ice caps are mostly dry ice—frozen CO2 that will burn your skin off. There may be life on Mars. Over thousands of years, several comets, asteroids, and meteorites have impacted Earth. Bacteria known as extremophiles can survive a journey through space and may have made it to other locations in our solar system maybe even beyond.

Living on Mars

Living on Mars will likely be in a see-through dome on top and several levels below ground. Over time, many of these domes will have themes such as topical, snowy, elven, and so on. The climate inside the domes is 100% controllable, allowing the creation of worlds.

Exercise will most likely be a must on Mars as it has a weaker gravity field. Food will be grown below ground (we already have the technology) and the living quarters will also be below ground. The dome above ground is for entertainment, relaxation, health, and inspiration.

Can we turn Mars into earth?

Because Mars has no magnetosphere, adding to the atmosphere is a waste of time. Over a long period we may able to make a magnetosphere, and after that, an atmosphere can be added. In the distant future earth will be destroyed by our sun and Mars could possibly become a new Earth on its own due to more solar energy, this may also include some of Jupiter’s moons. During that time earth will become so hot that even the rocks will melt, a true hell.

Theoretical methods moving from Earth to Mars.

Health Station Transport

Elon Musk has done an amazing job of reducing rockets’ costs. He made rockets reusable, which is a massive leap forward. I do not know how Elon is planning on sending people to Mars, but here is a theoretical method that could be use.

Like ancient Hebrew text says the flesh is not made for the heavens. One of the problems you have to overcome is the negative effects no or very low gravity has on the human body. The next hurdle is building infrastructure, which will be able to send humans and goods from Earth to Mars at the lowest possible cost.

Health: Humans are built to live on Earth, so what do we need to live in space? We will need food and basic nutrition. The biggest risk to your health in space is the lack of gravity, radiation and the temperatures in space. The radiation and temperatures will be covered in the Simplified Transporter Design. Your body needs resistance in order to remain healthy.

In low gravity conditions, you lose muscle mass, and your heart weakens. The reason for this is the lack of gravity. The human body needs resistance to remain healthy. Can we make gravity? No, this is science fiction, even the ideas put forward in the fields of physics are nuts and no common sense is used, which is unfortunately a big problem in modern-day science.

If you use gravitons to create gravity on a spaceship equal to that of Earth, the entire ship will have the gravity of Earth and will attract any object you fly close to, the same goes for Neutron stardust. The tides in the ocean are created because of the moon, now imagine the effects of an object with the same gravity of Earth in close Earth orbit, it will destroy all life on Earth. Yet this is what some believe, we will use to make gravity in the future, which is insane, it will never work.

Gravity can be recreated, by using a centrifuge, however, once your feet leave the floor, you will float, and crash against the next wall, because the ship is spinning and you are not. However, a few minutes in a centrifuge with your feet connected to the floor will help to keep your blood flow healthy, and help to keep your heart working as it should. The ship will also need some workout equipment.

Examples of workout equipment on a spaceship: A bicycle is connected to the floor. It has straps to tie your feet to the pedals. Electron magnetics can be used to add resistance to the wheel, making it harder to pedal. This will give your legs, core, and heart a workout. Workout pumps can be used for upper-body workouts. Your feet are tied to the floor and you have to push or pull a lever, the lever is connected to a cylinder filled with gas. When you push on or pull the lever, depending on the design, you compress the gas in the cylinder creating resistance.

The next problem is eyesight. During the COVID lockdowns in 2020, several people developed problems with their eyesight. The reason was that they stayed indoors. The human eyes need bight light and distance viewing to remain healthy. The transporter, used from the space station to orbit, needs windows and open spaces, with objects at different distances. Inside the ship, the light has to be bright with a focus on the red color spectrum, as red light helps with eyesight.


Heat and radiation shieldVision platformFood productionHealth platformDocking deckStation atmosphereTransporter launch deckWater purifying systemElectricity generationWaste recycling system

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