Health on angelic scornHealth on angelic scorn

This opinion piece is taken from the Faith Saterday Handbook. In the section, spirits, they address mental health. and techniques that can be used, to help cope with mental health issues and even possibly prevent mental health issues from taking hold.

Mental Health from a Christian perspective

According to some versions of the book of Enoch everything that generates energy has a spirit. Planets, stars, plants, animals, humans, and humanoids. There are 2 types of spirits: a spirit that knows it’s an energy being and one that does not.

You as a believer in God may not converse with spirits, as the devil can present himself as an angel of light and deceive you.

The difference between humans and other entities is that humans, like God, have a soul. In ancient Hebrew text, it appears that the soul is anchored to the bone in the human body. That is where sci-fi shows come up with the idea of digging up the body and burning it, to get rid of Ghosts. It is based on ancient Hebrew text.

Some things affect a spirit negatively and things that affect a spirit positively. This is where so-called mental health comes in.

Things that affect the spirit negatively

  1. Making a mountain out of an ant hill: He never puts the toilet seat down. You make yourself upset by small things you can change in seconds. In this example, it will take you less than a second to put the seat down, yet you allow it to upset you for the rest of your day. (Do not Judge others)
  2. Dwelling on things: Someone says or does something, and then you keep on thinking about it, if you do not let negative thoughts go, you will not have a good day. (Forgive others)
  3. Holding a grudge; Having an intent to get someone back, to do something bad to someone for something they did, or to give someone a negative reward are all things that make you unhappy. (Forgive others)
  4. Holding on to bad memories: Reliving bad memories will always pull you back to a negative state. Do not dwell move forward. (Born again)(You are a new creation in Jesus Christ)
  5. Lack of exercise: A spirit is an energy being. The more energy you generate, the stronger the spirit. However, God made everything in perfect balance. Too much of a good thing in the physical can also be bad for you. Note: in the spiritual, there is no such thing as too much of a good thing, that only applies to the physical, as God who is spirit, is 100% good. (God saw what he made and it was good)(Let those who can work but do not, let them also not eat.)
  6. Confinement: Lack of moving about, most notably, not going outside in nature; harms the spirit. That is why solitary confinement is seen as abuse. (Jesus walked from town to town, Jesus went to the wilderness, the sermon on the mount)
  7. Bad ideologies: Bad ideas, lead to bad outcomes. Karl Marx wrote the book on Marxism, which led to the oppression of millions, racism, sexism, and the death of millions. The most recent examples of Marxism are critical race theory and DEI. DEI stands for Diversity Equity and Inclusion. The equity pyramid divides people by gender, lust, and race. On the top of the pyramid are trans people. Thus it encourages people to become trans, as trans people are offered better job opportunities, which in return will increase their income. Trans people are more likely to kill themselves than any other group in society. The Catholic Church wrote the doctrine of original sin, which resulted in people praying to Mary instead of God. Martin Luther created the grace gospel, which gave birth to some churches that embarrassed sin, Luther even once claimed that you should sin to increase grace, however many rejected this notion at the time, but more and more churches are embracing that which was sin as good. Yuval Noah Harari wrote several books, one called Sapiens: which encourages: oppression, slavery, and anti-human sentiments. All beautifully framed and concealed. Evil does not always come as an ugly monster, sometimes evil comes with reasoning and adored in beautiful jewels. Not knowing facts from ideologies can lead your spirit down a path that can result in unhappiness, you taking your own life or the life of others. (my people are perishing due to a lack of knowledge) (You must use discernment) (the devil can mascaraed as an angel of light)
  8. Acceptance of untruths: Do not let the lies of others affect your mood. Hear but do not listen. Water on a duck’s back. If someone accuses you of something, or you have given your best but they are still not happy. Just forget about it and move on. Just do your part, and forget the negativity of others. (Be careful what you say, your tongue has power)
  9. Accepting negative comments: Do not take negative comments to heart, and dwell on it. Negativity is the enemy of the spirit. The faster you ignore it, the better off you will be. (Jesus Christ: The world will hate you.)
  10. Unwillingness to accept things you can not change: Some people are set in their ways, It is valid to bring up your concerns, but if things do not change, ignore it, do your part, and create a list of achievable goals to remove yourself from that environment. Do not rush, do not dwell. We all have God-given talents. Do not aim for goals you can not achieve, we can not all do the 100m dash in under 10 seconds. Identify your talents: then build your goals around it. (If they do not accept you, dust off your sandals and move to the next town) (Good servant since you used what I have given more shall be added)(Bad servant since you did not attempt to use what I have given it shall be taken away from you)

Things that affect the spirit positively

  1. Prayer: Prayer helps you to focus your energy. (All saints speaks to God)
  2. Worship: Singing helps to lift the spirit. (God loves worship)
  3. Creativity: Unforced creativity takes your mind off negative thoughts. (King David wrote poems to God)
  4. Meditation: Meditation helps to clear the mind, giving you a break from all the negativity in the world. (Paul recommended that you meditate on the word of God)
  5. Order: An organized environment, reduces frustration. A step-by-step goal guideline helps to focus the mind on what matters to you. (God wrote the laws that govern the universe. God is not the author of chaos, God made everything perfect)
  6. Accepting the positive: Positive thoughts help to lift the spirit and heal the body. Accepting compliments helps you to keep a positive mind. (mind your tongue for it has the power of life and death) (Focus on the things of God)
  7. Exercise: Exercise helps to build the spirit and body. Many of the illnesses suffered in today’s society can be traced back to a lack of exercise. Diabetes, weak immune systems, heart attacks, high blood pressure, depression, and so on can all be linked to a lack of exercise. There are other factors, but lack of exercise is the most common. (Saints did not sit around, they traveled by foot to where they were needed)
  8. Walking in nature: Multiple studies have shown that nature helps to relieve stress. (Jesus went to the wilderness)
  9. Pets: Multiple studies have shown that pets can help to reduce stress and increase the rate of recovery. (God made everything perfect)
  10. Focus on the positive: Logically if negative thoughts can make you physically and mentally ill, positive thoughts will have the opposite effect. (Focus on that which is good, focus on God)
  11. Love: Love can heal physically and mentally. Love is a strong positive energy, as the spirit is an energy, love is the ultimate food source. (God is love)

Mental Health from a Christian perspective

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