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The Anti-Christ – He will deceive many, and many shall be deceived by him.

Random bible verses 7-10 // Faith Saterday Handbook // Mental Health

The great deception is just how we see it. Prophecy is not for the interpretation of one person or group, but all bible based interpretation should be considered as potential fulfillment. Look at the Jews they missed their messiah because they had the wrong interpretation.

Historical text is for personal interpretation, to strengthen once own faith. The law as Christ edited it, is to inform you what sin is so that you know what to repent from, and salvation is not for interpretation but is a fixed fact.

This is a potential way we believe the great deception will take place.

There is only one God. God lived in Jesus Christ as He lived in the temple of Solomon, thus God and Christ was one and the same, John 14:11 but before Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world God left Christ. Matthew 27:46 In the book of revelations when John was taken to heaven he saw both God and His lamb. 2 Different beings.

The law states and Jesus said that you must pray to God the Father. However in 2024 a estimate says that 2 billion out of the 2.6 billion whom classify themselves as Christian believes Jesus is God. Thus it is possible that when a leader convinces the world that he is the messiah 2 billion people would believe that he is god. Once someone is under that believe they will turn against their own blood, friends and neighbors, if they should question anything their “god” says. They will be willing to kill their own if asked to do so. We have seen this time and time again with cults that existed over the centuries.

Another possible deception was revealed to us during the pandemic. Millions blindly followed the incorrect statements issued by governments and businesses, and many even took a untested experiment injection willingly, in the fear that they could loss their lives. The bible says those who loves their lives would lose it. John 12:25 In the original Greek writings the word pharmakeia is use when it addresses the mark of the beast. Pharmakeia means sorcery or witchcraft, and is the root word from which the modern word Pharmacy came from. The love of ones own life will with out a doubt, play a big roll during the great deception.

Another possible deception was revealed to us by means of Abortion. People love personal wealth so much that they would terminate their own off spring in the hope that they will, be wealthy later in life. The possibility of making money alone is enough for people to follow a great evil. The bible says he will come to power by means of flattery. Daniel 11:21 He will promise things for support.

Random bible verses 7-10 // Faith Saterday Handbook // Mental Health

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