In cashless society part 5 we will discuss the benefits of using several different digital currencies for, states and countries, to preserve wealth and growth with in states and countries. This is imported to prevent all the wealth to flow to only one location on earth while leaving the rest of the world in poverty
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Trade Digital Federal Digital and State Digital
Lets say the Federal Government creates to much money and the population losses trust in the currency and it loss value. Because you have a different currency for international trade and each state has its own currency, the negative effect will be reduced and the whole country will not suffered due to one sections bad policy.
Producing and Buyer economies
Economies which export, items like food can be more competitive if they have a weaker currency, the whole reason why countries like China keeps the value of their currency low, the aim is to make their goods cheaper then others on the market. If each state in the USA has its own currency, it can drop the value of thier currency to sell goods at a completive rate.
Buyer economies is economies which does not produce physical produces and import goods from other economies. They benefit from having a strong currency as this makes it cheaper to import goods.
If each state has their own currency they can adjust their currency to fit their own economy.
Centralize currencies
Centralize currency does not support individual economies and the needs of those economies, thus local economies can not grow to their full potential.
Wealth preservation
Once a state has its own currency, that currency will have to be exchanged to trade internationally or with other states, if this is done at local banks the currency will never leave their borders, resulting in all the money created always staying with in the borders of that state and does not flow out. Keeping all the states wealth with in the state.
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Opinion article on Cashless society Wealth preservation
[…] In cashless society part 5 we will discuss the benefits of using several different digital currencies for, states and countries, to preserve wealth and growth with in states and countries. This is imported to prevent all the wealth to flow to only one location on earth while leaving the rest of the world in poverty. Cashless society Wealth preservation […]